Having tea with a friend and fellow artist is such and inspiration to me. Today I stopped by Veronica Funk's house and immediately she hugs me, takes my hand and says "Come see my studio." Veronica and I have been friends for several years and she still amazes me. We run downstairs and into her studio which she has rearranged again. Here we see a corner of the space looking so vibrant and inviting. Her work is so alive and rich in color and her paintings make me want to jump right into the scenes.
I always get so excited that I want to go home and create again. Thanks for letting me drool over your latest work, tea, and conversation (while listening to Stevie Nicks, which we both love) about paint and pigments. Thanks for always encouraging the artist in me to come out to play!!!!
You're so sweet - just a reminder, the paints I use are Liquitex Heavy Body in Pthalo Blue, Napthol Crimson, Yellow Medium Azo and Titanium white. They mix to create lovely oranges and greens. For fun I might add Bright Aqua Green, Alizarin Crimson (which is a totally transparent deep red, beautiful color) or Dioxazine Purple (which makes lovely lavenders when mixed with white).